Thank You for your order!

Genny sitting pretty for big Bro Jordan's camera!
I’m sitting pretty for my big Bro Jordan’s camera!

Wow. I don’t say bow wow, but I do say thanks! Papa’s food is delicious and nutritious and doesn’t taste just like chicken! He told me my coat was nicer than ever yesterday! So thank you for your order and for supporting us. As a dog, may I congratulate your beloved canine masters! They will love you so much more!

I can’t bark thanks. Papa said it will break his Mike Rophony, or something! You see, when I bark it sounds worse than I look. The doggie doctor said it was the Malinois in me, whatever that means. Papa says there’s some Doberman in me, too. But he loves me, so I guess that’s okay. Don’t sneak up on my house, though! I’ll probably lick your hand, but I might make you go deaf first! But I love kind people and every kid I’ve ever met!

So here’s the deal. When your order arrives, make sure it’s still cold. If not, boil the packs without opening and refreeze as soon as they are cool enough. If you choose to serve after boiling, check the smell. Because of the vacuum seal, it should be good, bit if it smells, throw it out. Open packs are to be discarded. If a box is damaged, contact your local post office and request an investigation.

Please comment on our main page regarding your dog’s reaction to the food, good or bad. We have had no complaints and we are not buoyed by the fact that these are dogs we are talking about lol. We truly believe in the difference, which is how this all started to begin with!

To reorder the variety pack, click below. Again, thank you for your support!

Papa and Genny!

The Variety pack includes two pounds each of all five blends. Shipping is included in the price. In the future, if your dog(s) develop a preference, you can request a specific blend when you order.